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Guest Post: Making a Difference by Shopping Secondhand or Vintage

My name is Serah! I’m 23 years old and married to my best friend. We run our own business together. Our business gave us an opportunity to change our friends and families’ lives which then reminded us we can make a difference around the world as well. I’m a Christian, and one thing I always felt God had given me a passion for is stopping human trafficking. And now I have an opportunity to make a difference!

I’d like to think that everyone wants to make a difference in their communities, whether it be in their family, in their friends, or in their workplace. At the end of the day, I believe we all want to be known for doing something to make the world a better place for everyone. This may sound difficult, but it’s not. What if I told you that by simply changing the way you shop for clothing; you can make a massive impact on millions of people’s lives around the globe?

Why? Because the majority of the clothes in your closet were made by people who were forced into making them. 

It all starts at the farms where the materials are grown, to the sweatshops where the fabric is created, all the way to the factories where the final stitches are sewn. This may sound extremely disheartening, but there are thousands of easy ways to shop ethically and still be satisfied with the quality and look of your clothes. 

First, if an item is not clearly labeled “Fair Trade,” go to the clothing brands’ website and look for an “ethics” or “values” section. If the website doesn’t have one, that means they may not produce their clothes ethically. 

Another option is to buy secondhand or vintage clothing. This counts as shopping ethically because, you are not giving money directly to a company that uses slave labor to make their clothes. Plus, you’re most likely supporting a small business when you’re shopping secondhand or vintage! 

You can also read up on brands that do not use slave labor and learn about brands that are avoided by people who shop slave-free

When you shop ethically, your clothes can share a bigger story than those that are unethically made from a major clothing brand. You and I are capable of so much change and beauty just by changing how we shop for clothing! If you start to spread the word, because I spread the word, someone else will too. And in a few years from now YOU can see the amazing change YOU have made in this world! 

Just. Be. Intentional. 

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